IMD Shaping the Business Environment for Sustainability program - IMD Business School IMD Shaping the Business Environment for Sustainability open program for executives - IMD Business School IMD Shaping the Business Environment for Sustainability open program for executives - IMD Business School
Blended program
Shaping the Business Environment for Sustainability

Manage social, political, and regulatory dynamics to accelerate your sustainability transformation.

Blended program

Shaping the Business Environment for Sustainability

Manage social, political, and regulatory dynamics to accelerate your sustainability transformation.

2.5 days on campus, 8 hours liVe virtual, 5 hours online
CHF 5,900
Next program starts
28 October 2024

Leverage your spheres of influence for strategic impact

Businesses are more than just economic entities; they are influential social and political players operating under the watchful eyes of diverse stakeholders, from the general public to governments, NGOs, and the media. In the context of sustainability, where innovation often outpaces regulation and competition is fierce, organizations must proactively shape the terms of their environment.

In this program, you will gain the essential skills to navigate your organization’s complex social, political, and regulatory environment – often called your ‘nonmarket’ environment – to accelerate your sustainability transformation and pave the way for success. Whether you work in a legacy industry, a disruptive venture, or an established incumbent, you will learn how to analyze your business environment, identify challenges, and craft strategies to overcome barriers while creating more favorable conditions for your sustainability strategy to succeed.

With a blended approach combining liVe virtual sessions, online resources, and in-person learning, complemented by compelling case studies and insights from guest lecturers, you will engage in thought-provoking discussions and develop a holistic nonmarket strategy that integrates with your market strategy to drive your sustainability transformation.

Think beyond the market

Learn how to venture beyond your market environment of customers, competitors, and suppliers, and understand the critical role of the nonmarket environment of your industry.

Engage and partner with stakeholders

Discover how to forge partnerships and engage with key actors, including government officials, regulators, NGOs, and the media.

Shape policy

Master how to influence regulations, advocate for favorable policies, and craft industry codes to strategically position your organization for competitive advantage.

Focus on ethics

Delve into the key ethical considerations of stakeholder engagement and develop strategies for responsible lobbying and communications.

Design your own strategy

Obtain the tools, frameworks, and skills to frame your issues and design your own nonmarket strategy aligned with your organization’s sustainability goals with the help of peers and coaches.

IMD program participants - IMD Business School
You and your class

You are a government relations, public affairs, or community engagement professional, a senior manager or C-suite executive, or a sustainability champion, recognizing the importance of a holistic approach to spearheading your organization’s sustainability initiatives.

Join a diverse community of leaders and change-makers committed to steering sustainable transformations.   

Typical participant profiles include: Head of Operations, Head of Strategy, Corporate Strategy Executives, Head of Accounting/Reporting, Sustainability Managers, Legal and Compliance Officers, Public Relations and Communications Specialists.

Your learning journey

Embark on an engaging learning journey, combining dynamic group discussions, expert insights, real-world case studies, and dedicated work on your own strategic project, all designed for maximum impact on your professional growth.

Immersive experience

Your IMD learning experience will seamlessly combine real-time liVe virtual, on-demand online, and in-person engagement, designed to deliver maximum impact on your development. 

Tailored to your busy schedule

The program is thoughtfully designed to accommodate your demanding schedule blending a  limited on-campus commitment (2.5 days) with engaging, technology-mediated interactions.

Community of peers

Forge connections with like-minded global peers tackling similar challenges and united in pursuing sustainability excellence. 

Module 1 – The fundamentals of nonmarket strategy

LiVe virtual and online 
Starts three weeks prior to on-campus module

  • Embark on your learning journey.
  • Understand the concept of influencing your business landscape to support your sustainability initiatives.
  • Dive into key nonmarket strategy frameworks.
  • Gain insights from leadership stories and engage in dynamic interactions with your peers and professors.
  • Undertake assignments that foster individual and group reflection.
  • Explore your sustainability challenges and identify key areas for your business strategy.
Module 2 – Shaping the business environment

On campus, 2.5 days

  • Explore how to engage stakeholders and build coalitions.
  • Gain insights on framing issues, influencing public opinion, and shaping public policy.
  • Understand the role of the CEO as a chief spokesperson for your organization.
  • Examine the ethical aspects of stakeholder engagement and delve into the fundamentals of responsible lobbying.
  • Learn the techniques for effective cross-jurisdictional collaboration.
  • Strategically organize your sustainability plan for lasting success.
Module 3 – Crafting and operationalizing your nonmarket strategy

LiVe virtual and online
Starts one week after on-campus module 

  • Frame key issues within your business environment.
  • Develop your strategy with the help of your IMD coach and present your plan to your peers.
  • Check in to share your progress with your Program Director and peers several weeks later.

Detailed schedule 2024




Module 1

The fundamentals of nonmarket strategy

  • 28 October - 6 November 

  • 28 Oct., 13:00-15:00 

  • 6 Nov., 13:00-15:00

  • Additional online engagement (self-paced)

4 hours of liVe engagement with additional online interaction and assignments

Module 2

Shaping the business environment

13-15 November

Start time: 13 Nov., 1:00 PM

End time: 15 Nov., 5:00 PM

2.5 days on campus

Module 3

Crafting and operationalizing your nonmarket strategy

  • 29 November- 10 December 

  • 29 Nov., 13:00-15:00

  • 10 Dec., 13:00-15:00

  • Additional online engagement (self-paced)

4 hours of liVe engagement with additional self-paced work on individual project

 - IMD Business School

Sustainability strategies require more than simply innovating with products, services, or new ways of engaging consumers. To succeed, you must also engage with governments, NGOs, communities, and other key stakeholders to create a favorable environment for your success.

Read more

David Bach Program Director
Faculty publications
Next start & fee

Length: 2.5 days on campus, 8 hours liVe virtual, 5 hours online

28 Oct – 10 Dec 2024
2.5 days on campus, 8 hours liVe virtual, 5 hours online
CHF 5,900

Tuition, teaching materials, and lunch are included.
All fees quoted are exclusive of any value-added or other indirect taxes that may be due in any country.
IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location, and fee at any time.

 - IMD Business School
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IMD Executive Certificate in Sustainable Business - IMD Business School IMD Executive Certificate in Sustainable Business - IMD Business School IMD Executive Certificate in Sustainable Business - IMD Business School
Executive Certificate in Sustainable Business

Accelerate your impact and be recognized for your mastery of sustainable business practices.

Executive Certificate in Sustainable Business

Accelerate your impact and be recognized for your mastery of sustainable business practices.