Case Study

DSM: Transforming to a sustainable business model

3 pages
May 2022
Reference: IMD-7-2254

DSM was incorporated in the beginning of the 20th century as a mining company. With the depletion of Netherland’s coal resources, the company pivoted in the 1960s into a chemical company, producing fertilizer and plastics. By the end of the century, the company started successfully pivoting into life sciences, to support its growing focus on sustainability.

Learning Objective
  • Showcase how Orsted succeeded to transform into a world class sustainable energy supplier from a coal-focused energy company in only 10 years
Sustainability, Transformation, Pivoting, Good Health, Well-being, Clean Water, Sanitation, Industry Infrastructure, Industry Innovation, Responsible Consumption, Responsible Production, Business Model Transformation
Europe, Netherlands
Dutch State Mines, Manufacturing, Chemicals, Materials, Metals and Mining
Published Sources
© 2022
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This case study is part of a series
  • DSM: Transforming to a sustainable business model
  • Ørsted: On the path to net zero
Center for Sustainable & Inclusive Business
This case study is part of a series
  • DSM: Transforming to a sustainable business model
  • Ørsted: On the path to net zero
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DSM: Transforming to a sustainable business model
By Knut Bjarne Haanaes and Marc Chauvet
Case reference: IMD-7-2254 ©2022
DSM was incorporated in the beginning of the 20th century as a mining company. With the depletion of Netherland’s coal resources, the company pivot...
Reference IMD-7-2254
Copyright ©2022
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Dutch State Mines
Industry Manufacturing, Chemicals;Materials, Metals and Mining
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Ørsted: On the path to net zero
By Knut Bjarne Haanaes and Marc Chauvet
Case reference: IMD-7-2253 ©2022
Until 2009, the Danish oil and gas company Orsted was a worldwide leader in energy production from fossil fuels. Spurred by the 2009 Copenhagen cli...
Reference IMD-7-2253
Copyright ©2022
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Ørsted, Dong Energy, BP
Industry Energy
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications