This case is part of a series to demonstrate different ethical dilemmas that Skanska CS employees were facing after Dan Tok took over as CEO and was mandated to transform and align the practices of the Czech division to the corporate “no ethical breaches” culture. This particular Case illustrates a situation where a Skanska CS employee is offered more time to prepare documentation for a public tender than other competitors, although this doesn’t imply that Skanska CS would win the bid.
Learning Objective
To reflect on ethical dilemmas and enhance discussion around concepts like the rule of law but also psychological effects of “flexible” application of rules depending on individual judgment in the organisation.
Corruption, Ethics, Leadership, Strategy, Construction, General Management
Eastern Europe
Skanska, Construction and Engineering
Available Languages
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This case study is part of a series
Skanska CS (A): Living the "five zeros"
Skanska CS (B): An employee in handcuffs
Skanska CS (C): Money for nothing
Skanska CS (D): Sweet temptation