In the C case, we learn that Lingo Media purchased A+, a Canadian company specializing in early childhood development products integrating the latest neurological research. But just as the company was struggling to absorb the acquisition and ensure survival, Michael Kraft becomes thrilled at the prospect of acquiring yet another company, Speak2Me. For Kraft, this was a unique opportunity to access state-of-the-art speech-recognition solutions that could dramatically transform Lingo Media’s offerings. Undeterred by the board’s resistance to his proposal, Kraft decides to purchase Speak2Me on his own as a way to buy more time. How will the board of directors react?
Learning Objective
To learn about the key drivers of international expansion. To discuss the relative importance of strategic intent, core capabilities, and ability to deliver. To identify the obstacles standing in the way of international success.
International Expansion, Entry Market Strategy, Strategy, Leadership, Educational Publishing, General Management
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