Case Study

Becton Dickinson: Creating the customer-centric organization (B)

18 pages
July 2019
Reference: IMD-7-1968

As the B case unfolds, Shabshab is reflecting on both the progress to date on the journey (rougly 2014 time frame) and the efforts required to continue to accelerate the journey. As part of this effort, the steering team identified five pillars to accelerate the transformation. These included the (1) the redefinition of their value proposition and sales tools (2) realignment of the go-to-market approach, (3) standardizing new enabling systems and processes (4) development of talent and capabilities required for success and (5) systematic strengthening of their solutions offerings. The team prioritized and sequenced these levers for change – and thought carefully about the additional levers that may need to managed in the future.

Learning Objective
  • Understand how to evaluate a good “roadmap for change” to be customer driven “looks like” – mid-way through the journey.
  • Refer to Kotter change model – and “test” their progress against the model.
  • Discuss aspects of both go to market strategy and product portfolio evolution.
Marketing, Customer Centricity, Customer Focus, Transition, Market Orientation
World/global, United States of America
Becton Dickinson, Healthcare
2011 to 2016
Field Research
© 2019
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