Franck-Erik Flegbo and Cyril Le Terrien were already successful executives in a major multinational when they decided that it was time to dream, and to build their own company, with a culture that delivered performance, created a culture where everyone wanted to work, used the latest technologies, and did its part to save the planet. The opportunity to acquire 40-year-old Drinkotec came to them, and with it, they saw the vehicle for their dreams
Business to Business, Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Sustainability, Beverage, Digital, Transformation, Risk, Scaling, Internet of Things, Industry Infrastructure, Industry Innovation, Sustainable City, Sustainable Community, Responsible Consumption, Responsible Production
Europe, Switzerland
Drinkotec, Consumer Goods, Food and Beverage, Travel and Leisure, Hotels and Restaurants, Travel and Leisure, Catering
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