Case Study

Maersk Line: Becoming the Toyota of shipping (B)

13 pages
May 2017
Reference: IMD-7-1823

Maersk Line is the world’s largest container shipping company. The industry is fierce and margins low, forcing all to fight for market shares by having lowest cost in operations. In 2014, Maersk Line Operations embarked on a journey to change the game towards maintaining cost leadership forever. The cultural transformation, build on Lean principles developed by Toyota Motor Corporation for decades, aimed at developing a learning operations organisations who constantly, and with much higher speed than competitors, would be able to improve the business and drive out waste and cost.

Learning Objective

To see an example of how the hardware of Lean improvement methodologies, e.g. tools, systems, structures, need to be driven by the software part of the transformation, e.g. people, management, leadership, in order to become successful and sustainable. To be able to translate the example into own ways of doing transformation programmes and improve the success rate of the desired impact.

Operations, Leadership, Lean Thinking, Excellence, Operating System, Global Standardization, Behavior
Maersk Group, Logistics and Supply Chain, Logistics and Supply Chain, Transportation
2 years (2014 – 2015)
Field Research
© 2017
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This case study is part of a series
  • Maersk Line: Becoming the Toyota of shipping (A)
  • Maersk Line: Becoming the Toyota of shipping (B)
This case study is part of a series
  • Maersk Line: Becoming the Toyota of shipping (A)
  • Maersk Line: Becoming the Toyota of shipping (B)
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Maersk Line: Becoming the Toyota of shipping (A)
By Carlos Cordon and Michael Leck
Case reference: IMD-7-1822 ©2017
Maersk Line is the world’s largest container shipping company. The industry is fierce and margins low, forcing all to fight for market shares by ha...
Reference IMD-7-1822
Copyright ©2017
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Maersk Group
Industry Logistics and Supply Chain;Logistics and Supply Chain, Transportation
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Maersk Line: Becoming the Toyota of shipping (B)
By Carlos Cordon and Michael Leck
Case reference: IMD-7-1823 ©2017
Maersk Line is the world’s largest container shipping company. The industry is fierce and margins low, forcing all to fight for market shares by ha...
Reference IMD-7-1823
Copyright ©2017
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Maersk Group
Industry Logistics and Supply Chain;Logistics and Supply Chain, Transportation
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications