Become an IMD MBA. Create our Future.
The IMD MBA is ranked #1 by Forbes for ROI because it is the natural home for talented, experienced and ambitious women and men who are determined to make our world a better place.
As a citizen or resident of a country in Africa or the Middle East, we invite you to join this ‘Create our Future’ challenge for your chance to win a place in our MBA Class of 2023, plus a CHF 40,000 scholarship towards your tuition.
Stretch your thinking, learn from others & innovate
The IMD MBA women’s leaders challenge is an intense and dynamic event during which you will join a preselected group to brainstorm how society could and should address some of its most pressing challenges.
Those who contribute most to the idea generation and who demonstrate leadership potential will be shortlisted by our selection team for a personal interview and potentially be offered a place in the IMD MBA 2023 program. The winner will receive a 40,000 Swiss Franc scholarship towards our tuition fees.
Inspire and be inspired by a whole generation of grounded, future-oriented optimists.
Key dates
Date | Details |
15 August | Submit your challenge application, along with your GMAT or GRE score, by midnight CEST |
19 August | Discover if you have been selected for the assessment |
26 August | Welcome event and Information Session |
27 August | Complete individual and team assessment challenges: inspire, innovate and pitch your ideas to a panel of assessors |
29 August | Selected candidates will be interviewed by the Admissions Committee |
The top applicant will be awarded a 40,000 Swiss Franc scholarship and a seat in the MBA 2023 class.
Runners up will also be offered a seat in the IMD MBA 2023 class.
Applicants from our Assessment Challenges are not eligible for our regular Admissions Process in the same year.