This case series follows the journey of Unilever Foodsolutions and its President Diego Bevilacqua over a 4 year journey to build a “formidable force in foodservice.” The B case, set in September 2001, is a transcript of one of the video segments, highlighting the challenges in engaging the organization in the new strategy and business model. Resistance is strong and Diego is asking his boss to send a letter to all the senior executives to remind them of the decisions that had been agreed.
Learning Objective
The case series is designed to introduce the concepts of strategy as a journey, and the need to engage a team/organization emotionally as well as intellectually in order to build commitment to a shared strategy. This underpins the must-win battle approach. It also highlights the need for leadership if the hurdles in the journey to transforming an organization are to be overcome.
Top Team-building, Must-win Battles, Merger, Acquisition, Change, Food Services
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