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IMD Strategic Talent Development

Build capabilities for sustained business success through systematic integrated talent assessment and development to drive measurable impact on leaders and organizational performance

IMD Strategic Talent Development

Build capabilities for sustained business success through systematic integrated talent assessment and development to drive measurable impact on leaders and organizational performance

Perform and transform – the top of every CEO’s agenda

At the top of almost every CEO’s agenda is the need to find new revenue streams through innovation – transform. Yet there is also ongoing pressure and urgency to make existing businesses more competitive and more profitable – perform.

These two processes – perform and transform – are often referred to as “dual transformation”. Business must simultaneously maximize value extracted today while laying the foundations for value creation tomorrow.

How do you develop leaders who can address this paradox? Read about how Shell, Konica Minolta, and other companies have successfully addressed the challenges of dual transformation.

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Find out more about companies that have successfully navigated their dual transformation journey
Developing future-ready leaders is a challenge reported by 80% of CHROs

Gone are the days when succession planning was a steady process of building rich talent pools for known jobs in stable organizations.

IMD’s research suggests that only 12% of leaders demonstrate ambidexterity and the capacity for accelerated adaptation.

This talent scarcity means CEOs don’t have the leaders they need to deliver dual transformation for sustained business success.

IMD’s approach to talent development is future-focused, evidence-based

Read more about the strategies for building future-ready leaders to meet the dual transformation challenge.

Integrated talent development for increased impact on performance

IMD’s research into leadership and assessment has highlighted a number of critical conditions that must be met for maximum impact on the talent pipeline.

  1. Focused on the things that will matter tomorrow, not today. Leader development pays off over years, not months.
  2. Targeted, based on deep insights from robust assessments with high validity and holistic perspectives across knowledge, attributes and capacity.
  3. Personalized, providing a multi-modal learning journey that is meaningful to the individual in their personal context and purpose.
  4. Holistic, engaging the wider organizational environment to facilitate enhanced application of learning on the job and embedded analytics to track impact.

These are the core tenets of IMD Strategic Talent Development.

Understand how these core principles translate into a systematic plan designed specifically to help organizations build a pipeline of future-ready leaders.
40% of core skills in roles will need to be refreshed in the next five years

IMD Strategic Talent, formerly known as Voyager, is based around a future-focused evidence-based model of leader performance. Our advanced algorithms and data science enable us to deal with the inherent paradox of leadership performance today: leaders who thrive are inherently dynamic.

The IMD Strategic Talent approach seeks to address accelerated adaptation to ongoing change as the key to leadership success.

Find out how IMD leverages science and research to increase the impact of talent development on performance.

Read some of our research and insights on leadership progression and talent development by the IMD strategic talent team

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A thorough leadership assessment helps leaders identify their strengths and growth opportunities. Through IMD Strategic Talent Development, we translate these needs into detailed individualized development plans and set them through a structured growth journey where progress is systematically tracked and monitored.

Professor Misiek Piskorski Program Co-Director
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IMD’s future-ready leadership performance model asks leaders to embrace a paradoxical mindset, confront discomforts, and pivot between contradictory behaviors to overcome challenges effectively. Thus, leaders become ambidextrous, resilient, and agile, fully capable of leading organizations successfully through tomorrow’s world.

Professor Ric Roi Program Co-Director
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