Case Study

Easyjet: The web's favorite airline

22 pages
December 1999
Reference: IMD-3-0873

Stelios Haji-Ioannou, the 32 year-old CEO and founder of easyJet airlines, achieved profitability for the first time in 1999, almost 4 years after launching his London-based low-cost carrier. The concept behind easyJet was “to offer low-cost airline service to the masses”, and the airline accomplished this by adopting an efficiency-driven operating model, creating brand awareness, and maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction.

A key issue in the case is whether the airline will continue to grow and survive in the highly competitive low-cost segment of the market. In 2000, Stelios was anxious to try his hand at launching other businesses, so he started a chain of Internet cafés. Some questioned whether Stelios would be able to successfully transfer his low-cost business model to Internet cafés. Undeterred, Stelios moved ahead with his plan to create easyEverything, with the belief that he could make a profit by encouraging customers to surf the Internet, send email, and shop online.

Marketing Strategy, Industry Analysis, Service Management, Airline, General Management
Field Research
© 2000
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English, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese
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This case study is part of a series
  • EasyEverything: The internet shop
  • EasyEverything: The internet shop (Abridged)
  • EasyJet: The Web's favorite airline
  • Easyjet: The web's favorite airline (Abridged)
2002 ECCH AWARD WINNER (Overall Winner)
2001 ECCH AWARD WINNER (Policy & General Management)
Best-selling Case Study
This case study is part of a series
  • EasyEverything: The internet shop
  • EasyEverything: The internet shop (Abridged)
  • EasyJet: The Web's favorite airline
  • Easyjet: The web's favorite airline (Abridged)
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EasyEverything: The internet shop
By Nirmalya Kumar and Brian Rogers
Case reference: IMD-3-0874 ©2000
By February 2000 easyEverything the first chain of large Internet cafés to be conceived anywhere in the world had already successfully launched 5 s...
Reference IMD-3-0874
Copyright ©2000
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

EasyEverything: The internet shop (Abridged)
By Nirmalya Kumar and Brian Rogers
Case reference: IMD-3-0876 ©2000
By February 2000 easyEverything the first chain of large Internet cafis to be conceived anywhere in the world had already successfully launched 5 s...
Reference IMD-3-0876
Copyright ©2000
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

EasyJet: The Web's favorite airline
By Nirmalya Kumar and Brian Rogers
Case reference: IMD-3-0873 ©2000
Stelios Haji-Ioannou, the 32 year-old CEO and founder of easyJet airlines, achieved profitability for the first time in 1999, almost 4 years after ...
2002 ECCH AWARD WINNER (Overall Winner); 2001 ECCH AWARD WINNER (Policy & General Management)
Reference IMD-3-0873
Copyright ©2000
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Easyjet
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Easyjet: The web's favorite airline (Abridged)
By Nirmalya Kumar and Brian Rogers
Case reference: IMD-3-0872 ©2000
Stelios Haji-Ioannou, the 32 year-old CEO and founder of easyJet airlines, achieved profitability for the first time in 1999, almost 4 years after ...
Reference IMD-3-0872
Copyright ©2000
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Easyjet
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications