Case B describes the digital transformation process GroupM India undertook from 2013 to 2016. To respond to the challenges highlighted in Case A – product, profile, partnerships and people – the company identified customer focus and nimbleness as two “quests” to prioritize. GroupM focused on building comprehensive media solutions, targeting new-economy customers (such as e-commerce and digital companies), forging new partnerships with creative and ad tech players and, most importantly, leveraging its people. By end-2016, GroupM had not only retained its position as the largest player in the Indian advertising industry but had also widened its lead over competitors.
Learning Objective
- Understand that successful companies need to be proactive to recognize the imperative for digital transformation.
- Identify, prioritize and launch the precise “quest” to remain relevant in a digitizing world.
- Realize that people and culture – not technology – are core to executing a successful digital transformation.
- Build the leadership capabilities, technical skills and organizational structures to support a transformation process.
- Recognize the organizational barriers to be overcome.
Implementation, Digital Transformation, Disruption, Advertising, Media, Planning, Leadership, Talent Development, Partnership, Training, Innovation, Cultural Change, Young People, Executive (Person), Committee
Asia, India
GroupM, Business Management Services, Advertising and Public Relations
2013 - 2016
Available Languages
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This case study is part of a series
GroupM India: The human dimension of a digital transformation (A)
GroupM India: The human dimension of digital transformation (B)