Case Study

Going plastic neutral: The Nestlé Philippines experience (A)

14 pages
December 2021
Reference: IMD-7-2346

In March 2019, Kais Marzouki, Chairman and CEO of Nestlé Philippines Inc. (NPI), wanted his company to reach plastic neutrality at the earliest possible time. Globally, including in the Philippines, more and more consumers, governments, NGOs and media were concerned by plastic waste and pollution. Mark Schneider, Nestlé’s global CEO, had recently stated his vision that none of Nestlé’s packaging, including plastics, would end up in landfill or as litter. A few weeks earlier, Schneider had announced internally the group’s ambition to have all of Nestlé packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025. How could NPI lead the way and mobilize all key stakeholders to achieve his objectives?

Learning Objective
  • The case looks at how to successfully drive a major sustainability project in a developing Asian country and challenges the participants to work on a detailed and actionable plan
Sustainability, Strategy Execution, Marketing, Operations Management, Plastic Pollution, Plastic Neutrality, Recycling, Partnering, Sustainable City, Sustainable Community, Responsible Consumption, Responsible Production, Climate Action, Life below Water, Life on Land, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Operations, Strategy
Asia, Philippines
Nestlé Philippines, Consumer Goods, Food and Beverage
Field Research
© 2021
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This case study is part of a series
  • Going plastic neutral: The Nestlé Philippines experience (A)
  • Going plastic neutral: The Nestlé Philippines experience (B)
This case study is part of a series
  • Going plastic neutral: The Nestlé Philippines experience (A)
  • Going plastic neutral: The Nestlé Philippines experience (B)
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IMD's faculty and research teams publish articles, case studies, books and reports on a wide range of topics
Going plastic neutral: The Nestlé Philippines experience (A)
By Dominique Turpin Sandeep Puri and Jikyeong Kang
Case reference: IMD-7-2346 ©2021
In March 2019, Kais Marzouki, Chairman and CEO of Nestlé Philippines Inc. (NPI), wanted his company to reach plastic neutrality at the earliest pos...
Reference IMD-7-2346
Copyright ©2021
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Nestlé Philippines
Industry Consumer Goods, Food and Beverage
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Going plastic neutral: The Nestlé Philippines experience (B)
By Dominique Turpin Sandeep Puri and Jikyeong Kang
Case reference: IMD-7-2347 ©2021
In March 2019, Kais Marzouki, Chairman and CEO of Nestlé Philippines Inc. (NPI), wanted his company to reach plastic neutrality at the earliest pos...
Reference IMD-7-2347
Copyright ©2021
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Nestlé Philippines
Industry Consumer Goods, Food and Beverage
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications