The concluding case summarizes the key learning points from the journey, which can lead to discussions around how these lessons and the approaches used by Unilever can be applied to diagnosing the sources of complexity in the participants’ own organizations and tackling these challenges to drive growth and profitability.
Learning Objective
Each step in this case and video series builds on the previous one, introducing new challenges, discussion points and learning. Participants begin in the A-case by exploring the challenges of complexity facing Unilever Ice Cream, and can have useful discussions around the causes of complexity, the impact of complexity on the business and the challenges in reducing complexity. These issues and discussions can be directly related to similar challenges facing their own businesses. As the participants move on in the journey with subsequent cases and video footage, they are able to explore how the company successfully tackled complexity, the leadership and organizational challenges it faced in doing so and how these were overcome.
Complexity, Simplicity, Strategy, Change, Growth, Profitability, Must-win Battles, Food, General Management
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