Case Study

Nestlé's GLOBE Program (A): The early months

7 pages
August 2003
Reference: IMD-3-1334

This is the first case of a three-part series. All three can be taught in a half-day session. Chris Johnson has been given the task of initiating and managing the world’s largest SAP roll out. The scope is global, the time frame for completion is five years. The cost is estimated at SFr 3 billion.

Chris has to move to Switzerland and start building an organization and getting Nestlé ready for a new way of managing the business. This case documents his first months in his new job and lays out the early challenges.

Change Management, Project Management, Globe
World/global, Switzerland
Field Research
© 2003
Available Languages
English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, Russian
Related material
Teaching note, Video
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This case study is part of a series
  • Nestlé's GLOBE Program (A): The early months
  • Nestlé's GLOBE Program (B): July executive board meeting
  • Nestlé's GLOBE Program (C): "GLOBE Day"
2010 ECCH AWARD WINNER (Strategy & General Management)
Best-selling Case Study
This case study is part of a series
  • Nestlé's GLOBE Program (A): The early months
  • Nestlé's GLOBE Program (B): July executive board meeting
  • Nestlé's GLOBE Program (C): "GLOBE Day"
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Nestlé's GLOBE Program (B): July executive board meeting
By Peter J. Killing
Case reference: IMD-3-1335 ©2003
This short case continues the GLOBE story and is intended as an in-class handout to be used during the discussion of the A-case. It documents some ...
2010 ECCH AWARD WINNER (Strategy & General Management)
Best-selling Case Study
Reference IMD-3-1335
Copyright ©2003
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Nestlé
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications