Case A describes the challenges a multinational corporation, Cisco Systems Inc., faces in an emerging market in developing new products specific to local needs. Case B describes the journey undertaken by Dr Ishwardutt Parulkar and his team in developing the Advanced Services Router (ASR) 901 – from idea to launch in 2011. The case helps to identify key success factors for new product development through a decentralized R&D model in emerging markets and to recognize the importance of the ecosystem for successful innovation.
Learning Objective
1) Identify key challenges in developing a mainstream product from concept to completion in an emerging market. 2) Understand essential factors for building subsidiary R&D capabilities for mainstream product development. 3) Introduce the Technology Champion framework, which serves to bring out innovation aspirations in a subsidiary R&D team.
Research and Development, Network, Innovation, Emerging Country, Strategy, Subsidiary Company, Research, Capability, Headquarter, Relationship, Prototype, Bootstrapping, Resource Allocation, Product Development
Asia, India
Cisco Systems, Services, Business Management Services, Communication, Manufacturing, Technology, Information Technology, Information Services
Available Languages
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