The case examines the challenge of repositioning SGC Paper (a Thai industrial brand), following the restructuration of the company main business. The case describes the transformation of the company (2011-2015) when Khun Roongrote was appointed President of SCG Paper. The corporate transformation had involved many different components such as the expansion of the paper packaging business, the entry into flexible packaging, the transformation of the Pulp, Printing and Writing (PPW) business, and lastly the idea of rebranding the company. The rebranding phase was the last stage of the SCG Paper transformation journey started four years earlier. Although the idea of rebranding the company seemed appealing to clients and a significant number of executives in the packaging business, other people in the PPW division were more suspicious and concerned about rebranding the company. The case is complemented with videos of Khun Roongrote, the current CEO as well as the consultant who helped implement the new brand strategy.
Learning Objective
- Comprehend some of the building blocks of industrial brands
- Understand the link between business transformation and the need to reposition an industrial brand
- Learn how to develop and communicate a brand value proposition to different stakeholders (in particular clients and employees)
Branding, Industrial Marketing, Business Transformation
Asia, Thailand
SCG Group, Manufacturing, Paper and Pulp Products
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