Frequently Asked Questions
The International Alumni Association supports IMD’s growing alumni community around the world. The Association aims to bring IMD’s global alumni closer together, and to cater to their needs by complementing activities organized by the local Alumni Clubs, the IMD Classes and the special interest Communities. Its three pillars are: Connect, Learn and Develop.
Anyone eligible for IMD alumni status can join the International Alumni Association for free. Participants receive alumna/us status by completing an Open or Custom program with a minimum 10 full days of interactions over time, or completing a combination of Open, Custom or Online programs that cumulatively represent a minimum of 10 full days of interactions over time. More details on the IMD Alumni Policy conditions can be found here:
Joining the Association will make it easier for you to stay connected to the growing IMD community and the powerful global network it represents. It will enable you to keep learning and grow personally and professionally, and to give back through volunteering and mentoring opportunities. As a member of the Association, you will have voting rights that will give you a say in any future developments.
Benefits include:
- New Alumni Directory
- Newsletters
- I by IMD subscriptions
- Business databases
- Digital Learning Journeys
- Discovery Expedition invitations
- Special IMD Coaching packages
- Perks from external providers
- Reduced pricing on International Alumni Symposia
- Reduced pricing on IMD Open Programs
Membership of the International Alumni Association is annual and runs from 1 January to 31 December. There may be occasional promotions that offer extra months or access permissions. You will be reminded to renew your membership before it runs out. Memberships terms are available on the Association’s space within the MyIMD alumni portal.
This new initiative aims to complement the activities of our existing local Alumni Clubs, Classes and Communities, and to enhance the overall alumni experience. By bridging local and global alumni communities, we can create a stronger and more vibrant network that enriches the lives and professional journeys of all our alumni. Depending on your membership level, the Association will offer other benefits, including discounts to events, alumni programming, and other resources.
Alumni Clubs are run independently of IMD and the Association, but once the Association becomes fully operational, alumni will be able to join an Alumni Club through the MyIMD portal. We want to make sure that it will be easy to simultaneously join the Association and a Club. This is not mandated and will be discussed with each Alumni Club on an individual basis once the Association is operational. For now, Alumni Clubs continue to manage their membership cycle in the usual way. More information is available here:
Some Alumni Clubs have a free membership, and some others charge a nominal membership fee to help them cover operational costs. The International Alumni Association membership does not cover the membership of Alumni Clubs. However, all Club events are open to IMD Alumni unless specifically communicated (some events may have restrictions and be open to paying club members only). If the event is fee-based however, it will need to be settled separately.
The membership fee will be used to further develop the alumni programming and enable work on special projects. A successful Association could eventually support Alumni Clubs, Class initiatives and Communities financially.
The International Alumni Association’s Board oversees the Association’s activities and represents the international alumni community in its interactions with IMD leadership. It comprises six alumni members and three IMD representatives. The Association’s daily organizational activities are managed by the executive office of the Association which supports the Board and facilitates the relationships between IMD’s various departments who are providing services and resources to the Association.
The Alumni Clubs continue to operate as they have been and are also independent from IMD (having their own Statutes). Class Reps and Community leaders continue to operate as well. The Association does not remove or replace any of these initiatives. Instead, it offers a global gateway to the overall alumni experience, allowing alumni to stay better connected with each other and the institution.
The International Alumni Association is an independent, not-for-profit, Swiss based association, which is run separately from IMD Alumni Relations activities, however, with a large degree of collaboration and synergy. The Association and the Alumni Relations team are in constant contact regarding alumni relationships, communications, and initiatives. The Association foresees the appointment of a Subcommittee whose responsibility would be to connect more deeply with Club Presidents, Class Reps and Community leaders, to allow for further collaboration.
The Association opened for membership on 1 December 2023 as a first version and through its integration with the MyIMD platform revision. This first version will continue to evolve over time, with improvements. The Association’s Board and executive office look forward to receiving alumni feedback. Additional features and functionalities will be added over time.