To maintain its position as the category leader in process mining and execution management, Celonis needed to be able to facilitate – or even automate – corrective measures on these processes to edge closer to process mining nirvana, i.e. a fully automated, intelligent and real-time execution management system (EMS). But how to determine the right balance between features that were best developed in-house and those that could rely on its growing ecosystem of partners? Would the team be able to manage the explosive growth following the onboarding of so many partners? Celonis had created tools to bring the Lean philosophy into the digital age, but would the new ecosystem be enough to launch it into orbit?
Strategy, Digital Transformation, Disruption, Entrepreneurship, Operations, Production, Lean Management, Ecosystem, Big Data, Process Management, Data Mining, Consultancy, Scale-up, Growth Management, Start-up, Technology Management, Digital
World/global, Germany
Celonis, Business Management Services, Consultancy
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