Case Study

K'NEX (C): 1994-1996 - going international

19 pages
June 1997
Reference: IMD-3-0701

The K’NEX cases (A,B,C) focus on entrepreneurship–both in setting up a new business and in keeping the entrepreneurial spirit alive in large established organizations–and on internationalization. Case C describes the expansion of K’NEX into international markets and its results up to 1997. K’NEX chose to create a joint venture with Hasbro. The immediate and basic issue in case C is: How to make a joint venture work. Case C is accompanied by video C, showing an interview with Joel Glickman.

Internationalization, Toy
Field Research
© 1997
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Teaching note, Video
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This case study is part of a series
  • K'NEX (A): 1991 - product development in the toy industry
  • K'NEX (B): 1991-1994 USA - entering a market dominated by giants
  • K'NEX (C): 1994-1996 - going international
This case study is part of a series
  • K'NEX (A): 1991 - product development in the toy industry
  • K'NEX (B): 1991-1994 USA - entering a market dominated by giants
  • K'NEX (C): 1994-1996 - going international
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IMD's faculty and research teams publish articles, case studies, books and reports on a wide range of topics
K'NEX (A): 1991 - product development in the toy industry
By Jacques Horovitz and Els Van Weering
Case reference: IMD-3-0699 ©1997
The K'NEX cases (A,B,C) focus on entrepreneurship--both in setting up a new business and in keeping the entrepreneurial spirit alive in large estab...
Reference IMD-3-0699
Copyright ©1997
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

K'NEX (B): 1991-1994 USA - entering a market dominated by giants
By Jacques Horovitz and Els Van Weering
Case reference: IMD-3-0700 ©1997
The K'NEX cases (A,B,C) focus on entrepreneurship--both in setting up a new business and in keeping the entrepreneurial spirit alive in large estab...
Reference IMD-3-0700
Copyright ©1997
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications