Your online learning journey

Designed to sharpen your critical thinking skills.

Your online learning journey

Designed to sharpen your critical thinking skills.

Think like a scientist, excel as a manager

On IMD’s Complex Problem Solving program, you will acquire a powerful three-step process and tools for systematically framing, analyzing, and addressing your challenges.

You will develop evidence-based skills built from management, psychology, medicine, engineering, and design research,
learn to engage key stakeholders, and make informed decisions that lead to innovative solution

The program is structured into five units, covering the following topics:

Program overview
Unit 1: Introduction: Meet FrED
  • Start learning FrED, a three-step process to help you distill your complex problems to their essence.
  • Learn how to summarize complex analyses into a two-page problem-solving report.
  • Create a first hypothesis of what your solution might be.
Unit 2: Frame: Understand your complex problem
  • Learn to formally frame your problem using FrED.
  • Understand how cognitive biases influence your decision-making and how to debias your choices.
  • Update your thinking on your solution hypothesis.
Unit 3: Explore: Update your thinking
  • Systematically map out potential solutions.
  • Clarify the critical criteria that matter to the decision stakeholders.
  • Update your thinking on your solution hypothesis.
Unit 4: Decide: Update your thinking
  • Assess each potential solution against the selected criteria.
  • Empower FrED using existing strategic frameworks if applicable.
  • Situate your solution in a larger ecosystem of self-reinforcing actions.
  • Update your thinking on your solution hypothesis.
Unit 5: Iterate and continue updating your thinking
  • Identify when generative AI can effectively assist your decision making.
  • Use probabilistic thinking to improve your effectiveness under deep uncertainty.
  • Initiate implementation, course correcting as needed.

Benefit from coaching

With the support of a dedicated coach, you and a group of peers dive deeper into the content, making it meaningful and specific for your own contexts. Your coach helps facilitate high-quality discussions, provides guidance through each step of the program, challenges your perceptions, and encourages you to reflect on your learning journey.

An online program participant having a coaching session via video

Achieve your goals

Your expert coach helps you:


Define your learning objectives and stay on track.


Review your progress on a weekly basis.


Overcome your challenges.


Apply what you learn to your own context.