Recently IMD held its annual All MBA Alumni event which brought together more than 200 holders of IMD’s MBA from classes starting from 1976 all the way up to the present.
The high energy of the event was palpable, as the Alumni attended sessions recreating the IMD MBA experience, where they were exposed to the latest thinking from the world of business as well as innovative teaching, just as they were in their own MBA cohort.
Professors Seán Meehan, Knut Haanaes and Jennifer Jordan guided the group through a dynamic “Back to School” session on Saturday Morning. Michael Watkins, world expert on leadership transitions, discussed career transitions after the MBA program, with the help and practical examples of three MBA graduates, Eva von Rohr, Gabrielle Ortais and Rafael Altavini.
Participants were also treated to in-depth sessions on self-awareness by Adjunct Professor Duncan Coombe, as well as developing an entrepreneurial mind-set by Professor Cyril Bouquet.
Last but not least, IMD President Jean-François Manzoni, Current Dean of the MBA Program Ralf Boscheck, Seán Meehan and Knut Haanaes incoming Dean and deputy Dean respectively, addressed the returning Alumni giving them an overview of the past, present and future of the program.
Comments from numerous MBAs in attendance reflected how the IMD MBA is an intense, once-in-a lifetime experience that propels participants to new chapters in their careers and creates friends for life.
Many of them said they love to come back to IMD get the latest insights and re-connect to the MBA community at large. The event saw a large number of repeat attendees among the over 200 executives ranging from CEOs and directors to managers and entrepreneurs from all over the world and across industries.
“It was really great to reconnect with our alumni from across the years. Great people with a hunger for progress, change and embracing opportunity. It was a truly energizing experience. What struck me most was the strength of engagement and desire to be more involved in the program today. We’re proud of their achievements and are totally committed to strengthening the program further. We will innovate, experiment and evolve, but our core will be, as always: an intimate personalized leadership development experience. I’m excited by the support the MBA team receives from our alumni and I’m looking forward to working together with them,” said incoming program director Seán Meehan.
Find out more about IMD’s MBA and Alumni Network.