Robert Hooijberg

Program Director

Robert Hooijberg is a Professor of Organizational Behavior, specializing in leadership and creating powerful performance-oriented cultures.

Robert Hooijberg

Program Director

Robert Hooijberg is a Professor of Organizational Behavior, specializing in leadership and creating powerful performance-oriented cultures.

Meet your Program Director

Robert Hooijberg’s areas of interest include leadership, negotiations, team building, digital transformation, and organizational culture, with a specific focus on the alignment of culture and strategy. He helps organizations to create powerful performance-oriented cultures aligned with strategy, and has developed an innovative approach to the study of cases on the topic.

Professor Hooijberg has authored two books on leadership, strategy and organizational culture, is a regular contributor to leading journals and has provided programs for organizations from Unilever to the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.

Robert Hooijberg’s publications
Contributing Faculty

IMD’s Breakthrough Program for Senior Executives is delivered to you by a world-class faculty of professors, to bring you the richest of real-world application and latest thought leadership. Meet some of the experts who will guide you to success:*

*Contributing faculty might change depending on the session.