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IMD Alumni Club


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Welcome to the IMD Alumni Club of Germany

A warm “Welcome!” to the Alumni Club of Germany.


The IMD Alumni Deutschland e.V. was established in June 1995, to be inaugurated a few months later by the well-acclaimed Honorary Chairman of Nestlé SA, Dr. Helmut Maucher.


We provide our Alumni community with a platform to generate business relationships, to exchange general and specific thoughts, and to allow for continuous learning by building our gatherings around a presentation of meaningful business leaders, top academics, or relevant contributors from the social or cultural fields.


Our Club has consistently presented a program of 4 to 8 key note speakers annually. We do cover a wide range of topics addressing various industries; we are usually honoured to present top level speakers, mainly business owners or CEO’s; we cater to diverse event formats and organise industry visits where possible; occasionally we gather around more cultural functions; and we always do attempt to conduct our events in the geographically “relevant” areas of Hamburg, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, and Munich.


We inform you on our website about upcoming events to which you can register online. An overview of our past events can also be found there.


The inaugurating assembly at the time decided to form a membership Club triggering an annual fee and thus increasing visibly the commitment of our members. We have a fine list of distinct Club Members, who are all equipped with the enthusiasm to share thoughts on meaningful business and management topics. In this respect, the Alumni Club of Germany stands as a forum for business discussions, for sharing insights and generating new ideas.


We are proud of our Alumni community and about the opportunities that our functions create year after year.


You are most welcome to join our Club and our Network.


We look forward to counting you among us.


Kind regards,

Gerhard Beinhauer Chairman
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    The IMD Alumni Club of Germany was founded in 1995 and the number of members is consistently growing. We welcome every new member who is interested to enrich our already active community.

    There are two ways to join the club:

    1. Send us an email. Click on the «Contact» button on the right hand side of this page.

    We will provide you with the Membership Application, our Charter and a Debit Advice for your bank.

    2. Download the documents here, sign and return them to us. All documents are in German.

    Online-Antrag_Mitgliedschaft IMD Alumni Deutschland

    Onlineformular_SEPA-Lastschriftformat_IMD Alumni Deutschland eV

    Satzung des Vereins

    Membership fee: €120

    Please send the signed documents either by post or E-Mail to:
    Ms. Carolin Löchner, Club Secretary
    IMD Alumni Deutschland eV
    Hanauer Landstraße 523
    60386 Frankfurt am Main

    E-Mail: [email protected]
    Telefon: +49 (151) 11 44 77 84 (Frau Löchner)

    Ms. Löchner would also be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding the club membership or any activity of the club.

    We are looking forward to welcoming you to the club.