IMD announces the first ever edition of its successful executive development program High Performance Leadership (HPL) in Singapore. This six-day program will be held at IMD’s Southeast Asia Executive Learning Center from April 24-29, 2016.
HPL is for experienced executives who want to achieve the next level of effectiveness in leading individuals, teams and large groups to their highest level of sustained performance.
HPL was created over a decade ago by IMD Professor George Kohlrieser based on his experiences as a clinical psychologist and hostage negotiator. His book Hostage At The Table: How Leaders Can Overcome Conflict, Influence Others and Raise Performance is the foundation for the program. Since its inception, thousands executives have completed the program.
“We have taken HPL to Hong Kong and Brazil with great success. The demand for this program has created opportunities for us to expand its availability and we’re very excited to bring HPL to Singapore for the first time,” said Professor. Kohlrieser. “HPL is a very unique program and we challenge executives in ways that no other program does. We see them leave transformed by the knowledge they now have to become high performing leaders.”
Professor Kohlrieser’s latest book is Care To Dare: Unleashing Astonishing Potential Through Secure Base Leadership. It was named one of the best business books. Secure base leadership is one of the eight pillars of leadership taught in the HPL program.
“Being a Secure Base leader creates trust allowing the brain to be free from defensiveness and fear, releasing the energy to explore, take risk and be creative – all behaviors high performance organizations strive for,” said Professor Kohlrieser. “It works at the personal, team and organizational level and is a way of ‘being’ where you care enough to dare people to reach for their dreams. In the process, you provide what so many people and companies are missing today – humanity at its deepest level.”
A unique characteristic of HPL is the use of executive coaches. Small group coaching is an element that helps augment the learning and application of the concepts addressed in the program.
Multinational companies and organizations such as Danone, Hertz, JTI, Hitachi, GMAC, and the EIB send their executives to HPL on a regular basis.
Get a glimpse of IMD’s Southeast Asia Executive Learning Center on Flickr.