Case Study

Liverpool City Council (A): The ICT outsourcing decision

17 pages
June 2004
Reference: IMD-3-1289

In July 1999, David Henshaw was appointed chief executive of the Liverpool City Council. The public organization was in collapse, charging the highest local tax in the UK and being ranked third from bottom in terms of service quality. The case presents the organizational changes Henshaw implemented at first to restore confidence among employees. It then introduces Henshaw’s vision of re-engineering the council’s services around the needs of its customers. ICT was a key component of this vision. Participants are invited to analyze the pro and cons of three ICT procurement options and recommend one of them: outsource, keep the service in-house or come up with an innovative framework of partnership with a private company. The case is supplemented with a video of David Henshaw and followed by a (B) case: “LCC (B): co-sourcing public services through a JV with BT”.

Public Services, Information Technology, Communication Technology, Outsourcing, Reengineering, Joint Venture
October 1999
Field Research
© 2004
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This case study is part of a series
  • Liverpool City Council (A): The ICT outsourcing decision
  • Liverpool City Council (B): Co-sourcing public services through a joint venture with BT
This case study is part of a series
  • Liverpool City Council (A): The ICT outsourcing decision
  • Liverpool City Council (B): Co-sourcing public services through a joint venture with BT
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Liverpool City Council (A): The ICT outsourcing decision
By David C. Robertson and Henri Bourgeois
Case reference: IMD-3-1289 ©2004
In July 1999, David Henshaw was appointed chief executive of the Liverpool City Council. The public organization was in collapse, charging the high...
Reference IMD-3-1289
Copyright ©2004
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Liverpool City Council (B): Co-sourcing public services through a joint venture with BT
By David C. Robertson and Henri Bourgeois
Case reference: IMD-3-1290 ©2004
This case is a sequel to the case "Liverpool City council (A): the ICT outsourcing decision". In June 2002, British Telecom and the Liverpool City ...
Reference IMD-3-1290
Copyright ©2004
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications