Case Study

Toyota: Repositioning the brand in Europe (D): Growing step-by-step

6 pages
February 2006
Reference: IMD-5-0701

This is a follow-up case to the Toyota series (IMD-5-0564, 0565, 0567). The case adresses the issues faced by Toyota’s European managers in early 2006. Toyota registered its ninth consecutive year of record sales in Europe and managers were getting edgy. The region was becoming more important strategically. In order for Toyota to reach its ambitious growth target of 15% global market share by 2010, the growth in Europe had to continue. But the market was mature and still dominated by local players. Korean competitors were catching up quickly and Toyota’s perceived quality was not where it should be. This raises various questions: What were the next steps for moving the brand forward? How should Toyota leverage its hybrid technology? How to improve on the brand awareness?

Lexus (Brand), Brand, Positioning, Hybrid Technology, Automotive
Toyota, Automotive
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© 2006
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This case study is part of a series
  • Toyota: Repositioning the brand in Europe (A)
  • Toyota: Repositioning the brand in Europe (B)
  • Toyota: Repositioning the brand in Europe (C)
  • Toyota: Repositioning the brand in Europe (D): Growing step-by-step
This case study is part of a series
  • Toyota: Repositioning the brand in Europe (A)
  • Toyota: Repositioning the brand in Europe (B)
  • Toyota: Repositioning the brand in Europe (C)
  • Toyota: Repositioning the brand in Europe (D): Growing step-by-step
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Toyota: Repositioning the brand in Europe (D): Growing step-by-step
By Dominique Turpin and George Rädler
Case reference: IMD-5-0701 ©2006
This is a follow-up case to the Toyota series (IMD-5-0564, 0565, 0567). The case adresses the issues faced by Toyota’s European managers in early 2...
Reference IMD-5-0701
Copyright ©2006
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Toyota
Industry Automotive
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications