Case Study

Countrywide Porter Novelli: Excellence in customer service

19 pages
December 2000
Reference: IMD-5-0577

This case describes the different elements that contributed to Countrywide Porter Novelli (CPN), a UK public relations consultancy, winning an award for excellence in customer service in the business-to-business category in the UK. The case explores the company’s unique culture, describes how the company manages its relationships with its customers in a highly competitive and volatile environment and finally demonstrates the important influence of employee satisfaction on overall company performance. CPN was now part of a large international communications group and the founder and current chairman was about to retire. What would the future hold for this innovative PR consultancy? Could they continue to excel in customer relations with tight profitability and performance demands of the new group?

Customer Service, Employee Satisfaction, Customer Relationship Management, Public Relations, Media
Field Research
© 2000
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