Founded in 1996, Rustomjee Group real estate developers has developed into a notable player and a well-known brand in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). The case examines two flagship concepts – “Childhoods Available” and “My Spaces” – and sheds light on how Rustomjee Group has managed to achieve differentiation while catering to two distinctively different market segments. The mass market of middle-income families and the premium market of the $1 million+ customer.
Learning Objective
(a) What does customer centricity entail in the real estate industry in India? (b) How do you develop and communicate a unique positioning for a new market segment? (c) What is the right brand strategy and brand architecture for a company that caters to two distinct customer segments?
Positioning, Brand Strategy, Customer Centricity, Differentiation, Real Estate
Rustomjee Group, Services, Real Estate, Construction and Engineering
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