Blended program
IMD Executive Coaching Certificate

Empower yourself and others to thrive

Blended program

IMD Executive Coaching Certificate

Empower yourself and others to thrive

IMD campus and liVe

10 months – 4 modules

CHF 26,500
Next program starts
23 September 2025

Get your Executive Coaching Certificate and prepare for ICF credentials with IMD

Coaching is one of the most critical skills you can master today to ensure continuing development and positive growth in your leadership, business, and life. With the rapid rise of this profession, it is even more important that you hold the best credentials – confirming your skills, achievements, knowledge, and abilities to deliver high-impact results.

Your learning journey starts with coaching essentials, then takes you through to advanced coachingIMD coaching certification, and preparation for ICF credentials. Choosing IMD guarantees that you will unleash your untapped potential, offering you unrivalled learning with cutting-edge thought leadership, academic research, psychological approaches, and an extensive coaching community.

Develop your unique strengths

Supercharge your self-awareness and nurture your personal “brand” as a coach with a cutting-edge toolbox of coaching approaches.

Empower others to thrive

Boost agility through coaching, to better manage the complex dynamics of leadership. Foster reflexivity and build a long-term coaching and development culture.

Explore latest practices and tools

Be equipped with the deeper theoretical roots of coaching, latest practices, and psychometric tools.

Connect to an expert community of top coaches

Become a skilled, high-impact executive coach, connected to an expert community of top coaches and business leaders.

Prepare for ICF credentialing

Receive personalized accompaniment and preparation for ICF credentialing.

Who is the program for?

“We welcome a diverse mix of participants, from C-suite executives to executives from consultancies, corporates, NGOs, the academic sector, and those who run or are keen to run their own businesses. The greater the variety, the richer the learning experience for all the participants.”

You and your class

You are an experienced executive or seasoned leader with at least five years of experience. Whether you’re already a coach, transitioning into a coaching role, or looking to enhance your leadership with coaching skills, you aim to solidify your expertise by earning professional certification and ICF credentials.

2023 class profile (average data)


years of experience


Senior & C-level


average age



Information Session
Join us on 4 February 2025

Interested in an IMD leadership program? Don’t miss this opportunity to get all your questions answered by our Program Advisors at 12:00 (CET).

Information Session

Join us on 4 February 2025

Interested in an IMD leadership program? Don’t miss this opportunity to get all your questions answered by our Program Advisors at 12:00 (CET).

What our participants say
IMD Certificate in Executive Coaching participant Kelly Wragg
Kelly Wragg

Executive Coach, Switzerland

I have a clear direction for my coaching career
Not only did I gain cutting-edge training on how to coach leaders, but the program’s approach of ‘coach, observe, and be coached’ transformed me as a person. Before, I was coaching intuitively, wasn’t very confident and was filled with uncertainty about where I fitted in this field. I am now confident in my capabilities and skills and have a clear direction for my coaching career. I am also part of a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a positive difference in the world.
William Dottax, IMD Executive Coaching Certificate participant
William Dottax

Former Head of Legal Integrated Supply Chain, Carlsberg, Switzerland

A truly transformative journey

The nine-month journey was truly transformative – full of caring, daring, and sharing, as well as deep connections. I highly recommend this program. The world needs more coaching leaders!

IECC participant Christophe Schnoebelen
Christophe Schnoebelen

Organizational Learning & Coaching Manager, Luxury industry, Switzerland

The program was life-changing

For me, the program was life-changing. Previously, my focus centered solely on coaching techniques and frameworks. I discovered that to unleash the extraordinary in others, I first had to unlock my own potential. It’s the only coaching program I’ve attended that provides 360-degree personal support, with coaching, mentoring and supervision. By evolving into a better version of myself, I forged a distinct coaching philosophy that deepened the relationship with my coachees and accelerated their success.

Your learning is highly customized and focused on the executive context, combining the best coaching practices with the best coaching research.

Séverine Jourdain IMD Executive Director, Coaching and Leadership Excellence
Susan Goldsworthy, Program Director, IMD Executive Coaching Certificate

You focus on expanding your potential in a holistic manner, exploring ways of knowing using your head, heart and hands. You create the conditions to empower yourself and others to thrive amid uncertainty.

Susan Goldsworthy Affiliate Professor of Leadership, Communications and Organizational Change

You enjoy learning from multiple perspectives: from your role as coach, observer and coachee. You gain insights from each of these lenses.

Silke Mischke IMD Executive Coach
Next start & fee

Length: 10-month journey in 4 modules.

23 Sep 2025 – 23 Apr 2026
IMD campus and liVe
10 months – 4 modules
CHF 26,500